Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tithing is not a law for Christians... FREEWILL GIVING IS!

"...for God loves a cheerful giver"
Old Covenant Tithing
In the Old Covenant, the Israelites were instructed to follow a lot of laws which included tithing. We are not taught to follow the rest of the laws they were given and neither should we try to follow the law of tithing.

Old Covenant Giving
The Israelites were asked to give what their hearts prompted them to give and on both occasions, the amount of gifts they gave was overwhelming.

Robbing God
In order for believers to be robbing God today, we would still have to be under all the laws God gave to the Israelites. The Bible tells us we are clearly not under those laws. In fact, the windows of heaven are not closed to Christians according to Ephesians 1:3 and 2 Peter 1:3.

Before the Law
Some say the tithing came before the law in an attempt to justify teaching it now. I'll show you that it is not a valid reason. Two incidents of tithing came before the law. Neither one is valid to use as justification that Christians ought to be 'tithing' now.

New Covenant 'Tithing'?
If we are taught to tithe in the New Covenant then there would be no issue. We are clearly not taught that we should tithe. Jesus told the Scribes and Pharisees that they should continue to tithe and keep all the other laws too! Jesus was not talking to us!

New Covenant Giving
The things Jesus taught about money and what the rest of the New Covenant continues to teach is what we need to do today. Freewill offerings is the only way demonstrated in the New Covenant.

Study of Hebrews
Hebrews chapter 7 is studied to determine what it really teaches concerning the law and concerning tithing. The conclusion is that it does not teach that Christians should be tithing and instead repeats what other scriptures also state - that Christians are not to attempt to follow the laws God gave to the Israelites.

We should be following the instructions outlined throughout the New Testament.
What should you do?

2 Cor 9:7
7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.(NIV)

As indicated in verse 7 above, you simply need to decide for yourself how much you can freely give. Whatever that amount is, give it cheerfully.

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